A free group for Willamette Valley parents & their children that promotes family-friendly activities, parenting classes, fun field trips, social gatherings and support groups. Please spread the word and invite any others to join in! FOR MORE INFO ON WV MOMMIES EVENT SCHEDULE, PICTURES, & MARKETPLACE--LOOK US UP ON FACEBOOK!
This group is sponsored by the non-profit organization, American Mothers Inc.

Water Day

As part of our Endless Summer program for September 2009, we've included some last-minute before fall water day activities! Gotta get the wet goodness in while we can!

Friday, Sept. 4th- Wonderful World of Waterbabies, 11:30am-1:30pm at Osborne Aquatic Center.

Wednesday, Sept. 16th- Splash Fountain, 10am-12noon, Jackson Plaza on the downtown riverfront path.

Wednesday, Sept. 23rd- TBA

Wednesday, Sept. 30th- TBA

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